working from home during pandemic

Because of confinement rules, a large number of employees are currently teleworking. A real discovery for some, an ordeal for others …

With new confinement rules in place since March, some employees have discovered, by force of circumstances, work from home.

And this for several weeks straight. According to a recent study, one in four private sector employees is currently working from home. In the public sector, 36% of the agents are concerned. This is the opportunity for them to discover a new way of working … and to adopt it (or not).

Is working from for you

On this occasion, in fact, some have discovered the advantages of working remotely: no hassle in commuting, better productivity, or the possibility … of staying in your pajamas all day, as some Internet users rejoice on Twitter.

For others, on the contrary, these few weeks in telework have confirmed that it was really not for them. Whether it’s because remote communication is complicated, because they lack the office atmosphere, or simply by lack an adequate workspace.

In any case, from mid May, companies are beginning to gradually reopen their doors all over the world. Returning to the office will therefore be compulsory for certain employees. Others, however, may continue working from home, in particular because of the impossibility for their business to implement the necessary protection measures.

So, for or against continuing to telecommute after May? Is this extension of teleworking a good idea for you or if, on the contrary, do you feel that a return to the office is essential?

Tips for better work from home

Confinement requires many employees must work from home now, and probably for more than a month. A situation that can sometimes be complicated to manage for those who have children or who live in a small area. Workspace, exchanges with your colleagues, physical activity, these are novel issues for most to tackle.

Read on to find five essential recommendations to follow for better working from home.

1. Create a real space

Don’t telecommute where you sleep or where you eat!

Of course, some people live in small spaces, but even there it is possible to create different areas: for example, if you only have one table, do not sit on the same side for eating and working! And, if possible, sit in front of a window so that you can regularly look outside.

2. Say Hello and Goodbye

In the morning, start the day with a quick chat or exchange by email or phone with your colleagues, your team.

No need to spend hours on it, but report that you are there, pick up and give news, let them know you are ready to start the day. But also signify when it is finished.

3. Move regularly

Get up when you have to call, for example.

Take breaks at least every 40 minutes and walk, even just a few steps. Sports coaches recommend a simple exercise: sitting or standing, raise your arms crosswise, shoulders relaxed, then stretch them backwards by squeezing your shoulder blades. Then let them return to the initial position, slowing the return movement. It’s great for working your back and shoulders and improving your posture.

Make sure to take one long break along lunch time. Go out for a walk or a jog in the park, to change your environment before going back to work.

4. Be connected … but not too much

Keeping in touch with your colleagues and team is important in these times of confinement.

But don’t overdo it either: disconnect at lunchtime, for example (unless you want to share a virtual lunch with colleagues, but to talk about something other than work). Set schedules and rules.

5. Don’t try to pretend everything is normal

The situation is exceptional … for everyone.

Habits are shattered, goals are upset, so are lifestyles.

Everyone will understand if a child or a cat breaks into the camera’s field during a video conference. Above all, do your best but do not try to pretend that everything is normal.

You shouldn’t try to do things as before, but take the opportunity to invent ways of doing things afterwards!